Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What a last 2 weeks!

Oh today is definitely one of them challenging days. I played in a flag football tournament all day yesterday and my body is paying for it today. I literally am struggling to reach down because my arm muscles are so sore. Jason insists on encouraging me to stretch so I'm slowly doing so. It was so windy and dusty yesterday that my face is still very dry and itchy, and I think I may have a rash on my lower face! :( It doesn't help my low self-esteem due to my acne as it is. I came home after 5 o'clock yesterday with my 5 little kids (I was babysitting Brae and Kyra) and cooked dinner. Jason was sick with nauseua and vomitting and Tyler was crying about his tummy aching. I was for sure on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I had to much going on at home last night that I didn't even know where to begin or end. Luckily I managed to clean the kitchen and put some towels to wash. I can't believe I even made it out of the shower because I was so exhausted. My night was for sure rocky, kids whining here and there, Jason being sick and attitudes thrown by Brooke to me. This morning I woke up and just  layed there in bed waiting for one of the kids to come crying to me or throwing up on the floor (which for some reason they seem to always ignore the bucket that I set on the floor beside their beds). Tyler is still running a fairly high temperature, pushing 100.0 but not quite there and Jason has thrown up just once this morning. Brooke has not lightened up on her attitude and is just whining and crying about everything ranging from her barbies head coming off to her head hurting. As for me, I am just trying to calmly digest it all. Praying to myself every chance I get. I know there is a stomach bug going around because Averyn had it for about 36hrs and Kyra began throwing up Thursday night and was better by Friday night. My mom kept Kyra Friday night and asked me to watch her Saturday because she had to be at work and Kendra was working a booth at a craft show in Olton. So I do think it's highly possible for of my kids and Jason to of caught it from Kyra. Even poor Brae was telling me his stomach was hurting before Shayla came over to pick him up. I hope he doesn't get sick because of us. :( I shouldn't be surprised because last year around this time my babies all took turns with the flu and strep!! Oh it was horrible and I know I am blessed with them and their tummy bugs this time of year compared to last years. I guess the more overwhelming part of today is Jason not feeling well. I am so used to him helping me with everything and to not have his full help today is hard for me. Even more because I am soo soo very sore from yesterday! My legs and arms are aching so bad! I don't know which is worse, throwing up or not being able to move right! Today was the Sunday Primary program at church and Brooke had a talk to give about how Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. We had her talk written down and planned out. We went over her talk briefly last night and I had planned on taking her to church this morning. When we got up I told her to get in the bath, her response: "why do I have to do everything? my head is hurting I am still sleepy and all the boys are sick!!! (all while crying)". Already drained I just told her if she really is feeling crabby then no one is forcing her to give this talk. She went to her room and has been laying down since then. My explanation to this is: me and the kids are so used to a routine. We are at home taking the day slowly and calmly on a regular basis. Yesterday I had them outside in the horrible weather all day! I honestly had no choice and had comitted to this team. The kids could have been feeling sick yesterday while I was playing and weren't given a chance to tell me until we got home. I just don't think I will do any more of these type of tournaments again. It is to much for me and for the kids, not to forget I was only tackled about 5 times yesterday!!, in a "flag football" tournament. I did really enjoy the physical exercise of running plays and routes, and the girls were fun! So, this is something weighing heavy on me from the tournament we played yesterday. I had a hard time with the girls we were playing who weren't following the rules. The ones who were roughing up on us basically tackling us. One of our girls got HIT hard yesterday knocking the air out of her and the girls on the team we were playing were laughing to themselves asking us to hurry up with the game!! It made me so mad on a wordly perspective that I totally cursed out that girl in front of my team mates! :( Definitely something I regret and wish so badly I could take back. Unfortunately I can't and what's done is done. I failed to be the example to other's and allowed that girl to get the best of me. I did apologize to the girls on my team and I hope they can over look that. It really isn't who I am and I for sure know better. It is a lesson I will take with me in the future. I know and trust my faith in all that I do and I hope I won't fail my Father in Heaven or my family. I have learned alot these last 2 weeks and I know and understand what was being told to me by the spirit. I hope today will go by quick and I hope even more the kids and Jason will get better!!

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