Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eye Doctor for Tyler

Today was mine and Tyler's eye doctor's appointment. Mine was a follow up on the specialty contacts lenses. Which turned out that the reason mine were bothering me so bad was because I was supposed to of had two sets of contacts, and switching them every 6 months! Yup, no wonder they were so uncomfortable! I really was worried that I might have to go through the whole re-fitting process, etc. I'm so relieved that I don't. I did order me some glasses for back up! They're really cute and I'm ready to try them out. I think I'll be getting more contacts too. So over all I think my appointment went pretty well. No major bad news, always what I'm anticipating. Tyler did really well through his exam. He followed instructions extremely well from the nurses, and he didn't have to redo any of the screenings. :)) He's such a BIG boy! I can't believe how independent he is getting on me. I literally just sat down and waited while they did the series of screening for his eyes. I really am loving how wonderful of a boy he is growing up to be. He is so handsome!! So what we found out about Mr.Tyler's eyes is that he is far-sighted. He has a little astigmatism in both eyes (I could be wrong, it might just be one but I can't remember which one). His eyes are a lot like mine. He uses his right eye more than his left, causing his left eye to be weak. Dr.Mathis did mention that we will eventually start using a patch on his right eye to build strength in his left eye.  We ordered his glasses and I ended up ordering a second set for him because he is in fact a boy and it's only inevitable for him to possibly break his first set. It's not a bad thing, I just don't want him going without. Unfortunately our insurance will only cover some of the cost on his first set. So we will be paying the full amount on his second set of glasses. I just can't believe how expensive these things are. I'm so grateful for the help that our family puts out for our children. :) My dad to be specific. Him allowing us to live here rent free has enabled me to stay home full-time with the kids and expenses like these glasses and Sylvan are easier to manage by. Grandma Josie is pretty awesome too! She always makes my days better. Even with just a phone call and chatting for a while. I am so blessed to have her living here in Plainview again. Well that's how our Tuesday afternoon has gone. Taylor and Jason are napping and Tyler is playing Wii sports. I will post pictures of Tyler and his new Specs as soon as they come in! Whoo hoo!

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