Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Fun with the kids

Today was a pretty good day. I kind of woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning but of course who wouldn't when your dad decides to wake up at 6 am to watch the Gunman, and laugh all sorts of loud while your trying to sleep. Yup, I know it's just one of the many things I tolerate at the moment. It's really not that big of a deal anyways. :) I'm sure PePaw sacrifices alot of his nerves to for us. So Jason is working 11-7 (the graveyard shift) so he has to be on a completely different schedule than me and the kids. I did not want to have to spend my Saturday trying to keep the boys quiet and Brooke entertained at home. So we decided to make today a little date on the town. Me and the kids ate lunch at Subway and then walked on over to the movies to buy our Beauty and the Beast 3D tickets. In between after eating lunch and waiting for our movie to come on, I came home to try and catch up on some laundry. Then at 2:30 we were off to the movies. It's so nice watching an old time Disney movie that I grew up on. Brooke and Tyler seemed to love it, although Tyler didn't really get interested into the movie until all the action came on about attacking the Beast (GO Figure! haha). What I learned today is that it really is up to me or Jason to make the weekends enjoyable. I enjoyed doing these things with the kids and I really think I want to do something like this every weekend if we can. It's to expensive right now to make trips to Lubbock often, but for right now what we did today was so worth it. And I know the kids loved it too. Now we're just going to have to manage keeping them tamed before bedtime. Tyler and Taylor are SO noisy! Tyler's Pre-K teacher had told me last year that boys, brothers specifically, are like bear cubs. It's so true! They're constantly wrestling or jumping up and down everywhere until one of them starts complaining or crying. I'm sure what happens after that is no surprise. Things are looking better. I am feeling better, I am eating better and I just am making peace with myself. I need to focus on my blessings and not so much on my "want-list". Well I'm going to finish watching a movie then I have to surrender the TV to Jason. -Kayla XoXo

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