Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Working Mom

Well it's official as of tomorrow (when I go and get my physical and drug test done at Cargill) that I will be one more step closer to working. My past supervisor Andy called me last Friday asking me if I would be interested in a part-time position in the lab. I quickly accepted and am set for tomorrow to finish the process and get set-up for orientation. I have mixed emotions because I will be putting Taylor in daycare part-time also. He'll be going with Angie and she is really awesome and unique. ;) I know she'll take care of him well and I know she will teach him well too. I was thinking of all the reasons I could come up with about why going to daycare will be good for Taylor and here they are:
  1. He will get to play with other kids and develop social skills.
  2. He will have another source/type of discipline from Angie. Which will maybe improve his "ways" at home, which I take all credit for. :(
  3. It could possible prune him for when he will start school.
Well I guess 3 is all  I could think of, but it's a good 3 reasons! I will admit that I am not the best at disciplining him when I should. Mostly when he says inappropriate things but when to understand it better you would have to understand our family. Jason and I are very inappropriate parents sometimes, like things that would shock other people make us laugh. Like for example if we ask Tyler what he wants to eat for lunch and he says "balls" we think it's funny!!! I know, it's totally weird!! But Jason is weird and he has molded us all into his weirdness!! Yes, I will put most blame on Jason for having a weird family. Because he has pushed me into the crowd! I was like "well if I can't beat em' I might as well join em'!" I don't think it's the worst trait to have in a family and my kids definitely aren't going around cursing other people out! That would for sure be unacceptable! So this is why I think daycare will be benefiting for Taylor because he will be taught structure. Good thing is he won't be going full-time. He will be able to stay with Jason on days Jason is off and I am working. So this settles my anxiety alot! Unfortunately I think he will be going all week next week because mine and Jason's shift will collide!! I'll just keep praying that Heavenly Father give peace and reassurance to me and Taylor as we get into a new routine! I really pray that we get into a groove easily, especially for the kids. All they have known is mommy staying at home, so I hope they won't be shifted and that Jason and the family will step in to help them transition as well. I'm really grateful for this opportunity however as well. I loved doing what I did when I first worked in the lab and my goal the second time around is to be an asset to my supervisor rather than a burden. This will be good for us and the depths we have to pay. I know this is his work and I'll just go as he leads me.

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