Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Simplicity

The Parks Family Christmas 2011
 So our Christmas this year was a very simple, very blessed and very cherish able. We bought the kids the things they asked for and we're very lucky to have such easy kids. Tyler was really wanting a shark for Christmas and I caught a great deal at Toy's R Us for a discovery kids shark and killer whale set. Tyler was soo happy with this gift from Santa. As for Taylor, we bought him foam blocks as his gift from Santa. I almost bought him a wooden block set, but then second guessed it when I then thought about how I knew these blocks would be thrown around or at Brooke or Tyler. I am so grateful for that decision because we have definitely had blocks thrown here and there. Now about Brooke, wow how our Santa issues have begun. I really know she doesn't believe in Santa (I can't pin point if it was me who may have ruined it for her, or maybe kids at school) but we didn't buy her a Santa gift this year. So I then came up with the idea to make her a "Santa note" with money inside explaining why he didn't leave a specific gift for her under the tree. Unfortunately, I had left Tyler's shark and Taylor's whale gifts in the computer room and she totally saw them. Like the smart girl she is, she put 2 and 2 together and completely gave Jason and I the 3rd degree expecting us to explain this to her. I told her we would get back to her on it, I just am so exhausted I didn't have the mental strength to try and convince her and do damage control. So that is a total separate blog post. Overall I am so happy with the outcome of our Christmas. We didn't get much, but the spirit was felt so strongly among us all. I know times will get easier or more challenging, but as long as I have these wonderful kids and husband and parents of mine (and Jamie and Jenn as well, even though they're spending time with their own families and in-laws) I will be content and at peace....which ultimately equals happiness. Now I better get to bed because it's 12:45 in the morning and I have tons of cleaning to do tomorrow before Jason's parents come Wednesday! -Kayla Xxoxo
Trying to snap a quick Christmas shot!

Smile for the camera! (I love Taylor's smile, Tyler's sweet face and Brooke's silly pigtails that she did herself)

We  could of bought Taylor just this and he would of been totally fine with that.

This is just who we are. We're goofy and we just take moments at a time. Enjoying every bit of happiness.

Brooke's precious letter

Brooke left the sweetest note to Santa asking him to still bless her brothers with gifts even though their sometimes disobedient.

Our little tree that was once filled with presents beneath it, is now once again lonely.

We were all blessed with a white Christmas

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