Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Just thinking

Before I get a shower, I wanted to post about some thoughts I've been having. For one, I am so loving the snow that we got yesterday and I am kind of bummed out that the sun is out today already melting it. I would be ok with having a whole week of just gloomy, gray weather. Christmas is right around the corner, literally and I am pretty calm and mellowed out about it. We had a RS meeting at church this past Saturday and one thing that stuck with me was how people have turned Thanksgiving and Christmas into this big "Black Friday" choas! People more focused on making sales to buy $5 waffle makers, ipads, TV's, etc. When these holidays are supposed to be based on thanks, love and appreciation for our families. Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus. Without his birth all these good blessings in our lives would not be given to us. I just really want to teach Brooke, Tyler and Taylor about the importance of Christmas, which is family. The birth of Jesus. I am still learning myself about everything in the Bible and Book of Mormon, being that I wasn't taught it as a child. But I love learning in Primary with the kids. I am so happy I am able to give this to my children. Taking them to church, watching and learning with them about the church and the gospel. I didn't have that growing up. And most importantly, I am glad to be living it for them. It's important to lead by example. But I need to hurry and get ready for this day! Boo how I wish I could take a nap with Taylor, but nope...I must get ready! -Kayla

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