Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Date Night/ Azteca Christmas party

Yesterday was Jason's Christmas party for his work. I was silly enough to of stressed the whole week about what I was going to wear to this party. I guess more for insecurity purposes, maybe? I knew lots of people would be there that work with him (duh) and I wanted Jason and I to look our best. To me, it is very important to take pride in yourself and the way you first present yourself to people will be their first impression of you. I didn't want to look like a slob and not put together. Long story short, I found a dress at Dillards that was 40% off and it fit perfect, with the help of Spanx!!! :)) Now let me vent about Spanx...these suckers are TIGHT!!! Omg, I didn't even know if I was going to make it the whole night wearing these Spanx when we first left the house. The lady at Dillards who helped me pick my size warned me to take some time to myself putting them on, because it would be a task. Luckily I succeeded in putting them on, but adjusting to breathing with them took a few hours!! I don't even know how I managed to eat my dinner to think about it. But it helped with out the dress fit me, so I'd have to say they were and are a good investment. The Christmas party went wonderfully, I shared a lot of laughs with Jason and his friends and their wives. It was our first time going to Azteca's Christmas parties, but I really think we'll be going to future ones if Jason's work schedule permits us to go. We got home pretty late especially later than we planned, and sure enough little Miss Brooke was coughing up a storm. :( I really do love this time of year, the snow, grey clouds etc..but it has the toughest effect on Brooke. Her asthma just doesn't help with a cold and runny nose. I gave her breathing treatments and cough medicine at 7 this morning and I actually drank some Theraflu while I waited for her treatments to be done, because my head was aching and my throat was extremely dry and itchy. Then we went back to bed and slept pretty late into the morning. She's been doing pretty good this whole day, good enough to spend the night with Kyra. So I pray she sleeps well tonight because getting a call in the middle of the night to pick her up will be freezing!!! But I don't mind at all if it does so happen. I'm really excited about Christmas, I'm really not stressing a whole lot of things. We haven't bought the kids their clothes yet, or our parents and siblings, but I'm not stressing it. I know we'll get around to it, but it's definitely not priority in this Holiday. I'm trying to focus on understanding my own personal calling for my family. I'm always trying to think of more effective ways in communicating with Jason, Jenn, Jamie and family, Brittani..and so forth. Questioning myself about "how do they better respond to me"? Hopefully I'll master this soon so I can better minister to them. I have so many things to catch up on and routinely commit to them. It just seems like there is either not enough energy through the day or not enough time! :/ Just another common struggle I think. I wish I could just slow time down, even more go back in time. But we can't so I am taking what is as it is. I am very blessed and counting those blessings as well. I love my children my husband and family. We're not a perfect family but we get by through the strength of one another for sure. Here are some of the few pictures I took of last night..I still really need to get better about taking more pictures. -Kayla xoxo Ok never mind, I'll have to upload the pictures tomorrow. I'm so tired right now and I didn't save them to the laptop! SMH

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