Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My babies are growing to fast!

Looking at this picture I just can't believe how fast time has gone by. I feel like it could of been just yesterday that Jason and I were scrambling to get Brooke and Tyler ready to take to his grandma's in Hale Center, so we could go to Lubbock (UMC) to have Taylor! Brooke and Tyler's facial appearances have matured so much since this picture, which was only just 2 yrs ago. Oh how I would love to have just one more baby, but Jason doesn't seem so compliant and willing to give it one more go. Who knows, maybe he'll change his mind one day. It's definitely always an option. :)) Then again, the way things are going in this world, it seems almost selfish to keep wanting another baby to bring into this life, while we're trying to get through miserable economic times. So I will leave it in my Lord's hands. We are his children and he will lead us where he needs us to be. I pray Jason and I can raise our children to love, to be kind, to minister to others and to lead by example. I'm not sure what type of expectations to have for them, for each of them are so uniquely different. I still need to weigh out my own options as far as what I am going to do next year. My mind is neutral right now, I can't really decide if working is something I should or shouldn't consider doing. I really need to pray harder about it, I have been so tired with each day I haven't been giving enough effort to talk with Heavenly Father....it's so wrong and it's probably why I get overwhelmed with everything. I'm trying to handle all of this in the flesh. I need to read the scriptures more, pray more, service more..more, more more!! So much to do...wow..I really am going to stop now. I just love this picture of the kids. Brings joyful memories back. <3 <3 <3 -Kayla (now to do some online shopping to take away from stressing about all of the things I need to do!!)

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