Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 5, 2011

I feel like I'm falling for Fall

Yesterday and today have been so wonderful to enjoy! The weather has been so amazing. Yesterday it was cloudy all day and nice and cool. Today is still nice and cool, but the sun is out. I really don't mind it. The way to sun is during the day (I really don't know the exact term to explain how I see the sun) is my reminder of the sweet, spicy feeling of fall. Oh how I love this season! I love the whole decor of pumpkins, hay stacks, the leaves changing into pretty yellow, red and orange colors, falling from the trees. It's all just so beautiful! Now the scents are even better! I wish wal-mart would sell the whole spice scented candles and plug-ins all year long, but I've always noticed it's not until this time of year that they go on sale. Which I guess is ok because it makes me appreciate these smells even more. Yesterday at church during primary, sister Masters made a comment that stuck with me..it was something like this "I've always said after the month of August up until Christmas goes by so fast!". This is so true and I never really thought about until she said that, but it's so true! Time does fly by super fast from here until December...ugh I wish this season would just stretch out. Our summer this year was so sad! We had NO rain and just hot, DRY weather. NO FUN!!! I think it was Friday evening we did get some rain!! Oh how I loved every minute of it. Jason and I were taking the kids to Emilie's house so we could go to dinner, just us two, and it was raining while we drove over there. I told Jason I wish we could just sit in the explorer and just listen to the rain all night!! Rain to me is romantic. I'm very thankful we were blessed to have that short reminder of how beautiful rain is. :) I really am optimistic that this season is going to be a good one. Our families seem to be pulling together, for the best. I talk to Jamie frequently and it seems they're all adjusting to Hawaii pretty well. I don't know when we'll all see each other again, being that it is real expensive to fly, etc. But they're doing well and that's all that matters. I was looking through some old pictures, and I came across some pictures of Jason and Jamie swimming with the girls at the YMCA when I was pregnant with Tyler. Oh how miss those days! Of Jamie and Kyra spending the weekends with us, and our routine of Brooke swimming with Daddy on Saturdays and spaghetti and Urban Cowboy on Sundays! Such great memories I cherish deeply. Even the memories we're making now, time we have together! When we lived in Houston Jason was always working! I never had time with him, I would never choose that life or money over the life we're living now. I'm thankful that my dad has shared his home with us, to allow me to stay home with the kids while their young. I'm sure I'll eventually find a job, maybe go back to school..but right now I'm glad to focus on the family. I read one time from another stay-at-home mom that staying home with our kids is such a short season! To embrace it full force..and I hope I'm doing it right. I couldn't imagine working or going to school while Jason was in an accident at work! I would of given up, and I think our Heavenly Father prepared me for this in more ways than other (I have posted about this already). Our lives are finally back in routine and Jason is almost fully independent. His skin has already grown back, his shoulder is still sore from time to time but he is way over the whole "open-flesh" part of his burns. His arms look kind of weird, he has scarring on his elbows that look like that skin (pigment) disorder..but I really think it will go back to normal with time. From when the accident first happened to now, we have been taken care of! We have come together real well, and we're all so thankful. Grandma Josie and Taylor are on their way home today, they should get here around 6-ish and I am SO SO SO ready to have my baby chilenos back! Shoot, this has been a long "day and half" that Jason claims! But I miss him, and I'm ready to have my eggs all in one basket. Well I better get Brooke, Tyler and myself showered and put together. I plan on taking them to the park since the weather is so nice. Jason can't go because he cannot be in the sun or outside for to long since his skin is still very weak. :( But life has to go on. LOVE LOVE- KaYlA xoxox

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