Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today was the Relief Society general meeting. We had baked potatoes and lemonade at church, and they were super good! It's always nice to go to things like this, it enriches my soul and the women are great company. Earlier today Brae came over, while Shayla worked, and played with Tyler. I was so glad that she asked me to watch him because I have been praying hard for my little Tyler, for his social skills and making more friends. I believe this is specifically how Heavenly Father answered my prayer, he provided Tyler a friend to enjoy. Now, it didn't end as well as I would have wanted it to. The boys were playing "mortal kombat" (a game I am not to fond of, but they ARE boys) and long story short, Brae punched Tyler in the eye and Tyler was not to forgiving. :(( Oh well, maybe next play date will go smoother. As for Taylor, he was knocked out on Benadryl!! He has had a little rash on his right wrist and it seemed to me like it may have been spreading. This child of mine always has me on my toes!, he worries me so much it's insane. Anyways, Kendra suggested giving him some benadryl in case he may have gotten into something and had an allergic reaction. I have been putting hydrocortisone cream and corona cream on it, and it seems somewhat ok. I did try to take him to the UMC clinic, but unfortunately they weren't taking anymore patients! I was soo annoyed by this because I took him at 3:20 and the clinic doesn't close until 4pm, but I'm assuming the STAFF wanted to be out by 4. I guess I will take him tomorrow if it is still bothering me, because he sure doesn't act like it's bothering him. Ok, now to move onto Brooke. :)-> During this time of year her asthma seems to flare up more, now why? I'm not to sure, I really think it has to do with the weather. She went to the homecoming game with her friend Bella, and she came home coughing, more like the "asthma" sounding cough...so the breathing treatments have begun! I'm really going to pray hard for the strength to take on whatever is in store for me this winter. It's the best way to be. I just needed to blog what went on this afternoon before I forget. So the RS meeting was good! I loved the talks given by the presidency of the the Relief Society, one of the talks that weighed on me heavy was about "Charity." Charity is the key to bringing people the enjoyment of the gospel. I feel kind of guilty because I know I complain a whole lot of my charity. I take care of my whole family and when I feel overwhelmed I lash out at all of them. I can't believe this. How am I going to be blessed from the charity I do when I react that way when I am upset? How is me being mad bringing them happiness? This is what I think Jesus was telling me tonight. I need to be Christ-Like. It is so important that I act lovingly, because this gospel has done nothing but brought me happiness and peace. Through this gospel I have strengthened my marriage, learned the Plan of Salvation, and I am now striving for an eternal marriage and sealing to my kids and husband! I have such Godly goals it's beautiful. I pray that my kids lead these lives as well. That I can teach them that their bodies are temples and that sex and marriage and everything in between is sacred. I want my children to stay away from temptations that will only bring them sorrow. Having sex with someone you are not married to will bring no blessings. This is blunt, yes I know, but it is the truth. So many diseases are being spread by people having sex with multiple partners not using any protection. I do NOT want this for my children, which is why I pray to teach them faithfully about the Law of Chastity. Another part of the conference this evening that brought joy to my heart was from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, he spoke about understanding all the "whys" that Heavenly Father has given us. I personally think this is perfect, if we can understand the "whys" we will enable ourselves to enjoy the beauty of his love, his plan, his life, his gosepl and most importantly the fulfillment in the life after! I am so excited about this talk, it has totally re-tuned me with the spirit. I want to be obedient, I want to feel the peaceful joy in living as we are asked. :)) I will lean on my loving Father, for His love is honest and pure...and strong. This is where my heart is, and I pray tonight that he allow the spirit strong in my life. -xoxo Kayla

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