Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 2, 2011

New Month, better Faith & Hope

We have finished the second week of school! Sadly Tyler isn't adjusted at ALL!! He had been complaining on and off about his ear hurting, but he never ran any fever and he wasn't consistently whining. So I didn't think it was something bad enough to take him to the doctor and pay $20 for nothing. This morning however, Jason woke me up ( I guess he decided to be sweet and let me sleep in until 8 ) telling me Tyler was crying about his ear. I then just figured I'd better get up, get ready and take him to the doctor. Well as I was getting ready I called Dr.Turners office to get Tyler in as a walk-in, and it just so happened they were closed! I ended up taking him to Dr.Watkins at West Texas Family Medical center..which I'm so happy I did. So here is the diagnosis: 1. He has double ear infections (being treated with 10mls of amoxicillin 2x's daily) 2. his nasal passageways are swollen (being treated with nasal spray once daily in each nostril) 3. He has been put on claritan 5mg once daily for allergies. Dr.Watkins brought to my attention "Allergic Shiners" in Tyler. This is black eye similarities in a child, or dark circles under the eyes. Now for one, it wasn't but like two days ago that I had told Jason that I noticed Tyler having dark circles under his eyes, and maybe I needed to take him to the eye doctor! Well come to find out, this is due to nasal allergies. :( Oh how sad this made me..but I'm just grateful we now know what we need to start doing. I am so blessed to not have to work, my kids are definitely a full-time, 24/7 responsibility that I take such pride in. I really pray that we can help Tyler, and for God to lift this guilt off of me, that I didn't realize Tyler has/is suffering nasal allergies, or allergies in general. It's just so difficult because Tyler doesn't complain! I feel guilty that maybe I put to much fear or time into Brooke being that she asthma. At the end of the day, I know that I love these kids more than anything and that it breaks my heart for any of them to not be 100% healthy. So this is what happened this morning. Secondly, my poor Tyler isn't adjusting to being at school all day. He made a comment today to Melanie "my daddy don't come and pick me up after lunch", this BROKE my heart! haha my little boy is still stuck in pre-school mode. :( He has asked me several times today "mommy, I don't go to school no more?" Ugh, this isn't getting any easier. I hope he will just realize that this is his routine and make the best out of it. Tyler will definitely be in mommy's prayers for sure. Now about Miss. Brooke, she said the most cutest thing today in the truck "Mommy,I wish I was Mother Nature so I could make it rain." This was adorable and genius. My little lady will change the world, her smile ministers to so many. She is my blessing. Taylor, oh Mr.Taylor, he has been a little challenging here lately with the whole tantrums, etc. I did expect this, he is our baby and this is natural for his age. I pray for patience in handling him, but he is precious and I love that his vocabulary is being challenged daily..and I love even more hearing how he interprets language. I need to video tape it, it's so CUTE. My baby Jason is healing more, and I'm loving, loving him! <3 he overwhelms my heart with such love and joy. Oh how our Lord is loving and promising. More to be posted later....-Kayla

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