Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Carrying to much..

Well my little baby Taylor has had a rash now for going on 7 days. :( I have taken him to the doctor twice and have been applying the cream that was prescribed to him for days now, but his rash seems to only be staying the same. Doctor Turner has been out of the office due to a recent neck surgery, but will be back Monday morning! Oh how I miss not having our pedi for the kids. I finally called Doc this afternoon because I noticed the rash showing up on the top of Taylor's feet. Doc is for certain it is most likely the hand-mouth-foot virus but still wants to see him first thing Monday morning. It is so much weight to carry on my shoulders not being able to help my  baby and still being over concerned about protecting everyone else from this (I believe Doc said it wasn't contagious). I talked with Emilie today and she said something that has stuck with me, "just let it go". This is so true, I need to let go and let God. I need to being praying constantly for Taylor's healing, and seek out a blessing. I carry to many unnecessary burdens and it's not healthy for me. I am however getting better at easing myself and I know I will eventually get to the point when I make time for myself not feeling so selfish. I am getting some tired, I'll finish this post tomorrow. LOVE xoxoxo

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