Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Week round-up

To begin with, ever since I started listening to Air1 radio it has been really uplifting to me. In the mornings when I drive the kids to school, the radio is on the Air1 station and it's so revitalizing for me. It helps me focus my day with a more positive attitude, because I definitely am in desperate need of all the positive results I can get! So, I have been trying really hard to being the example for my family. I am not perfect and I am sure I have totally messed up with situations and people, but I do pray for guidance and forgiveness in the those mistakes I'm sure I've made. I just hope I have the wisdom to recognize all of it and making it right. Michael and Patty came down Tuesday to see Jason, I was so nervous and anxious about this visit (not knowing what type of vibes would be set off) that I was beginning to have a bad attitude. I prayed real hard before they made it to Plainview, because I didn't want to put Jason in such an awkward situation, especially in the condition he is in. Our Heavenly Father has been so faithful to me, Michael and Patty's visit went so good! They spent most the afternoons here with Jason, me and Taylor. We had lunch together, and Patty helped me while I dealt with our home health care provider. So all of that was a complete blessing. Patty and I ended up going to Lubbock Thursday to take Taylor to a podiatrist because his big toe nail had apparently suffered some "trauma". Taylor was complaining Wednesday about having an "ouwwey" and he kept grabbing his toe...surely it was bleeding and looked like it wanted to pop off. I thought automatically it was an ingrown toenail so I freaked out and went ahead an made him an appointment with Dr.Barinque. He ended up just clipping the nail off so the new one could grow quicker and more comfortably for Taylor. Such a relief to me that it wasn't anything severe. I seem to always prepare myself for the worst in all situations. But, Patty and I ended up spending that morning and afternoon together, which went pretty well. I still have alot of things about myself that I am going to have to work on. I am so bitter towards her mom and niece, and I know it isn't right. Praying is all I can do, and just like God humbled my heart to Patty..I have faith he will do the same for them. As a matter of fact, my anger is decreasing so much already! Things will work out in his time, not ours. I went to eat lunch with Brooke and Tyler on Friday with Michael and Patty. The kids really enjoyed it, and it was nice to observe the environment the kids are in. It is so sad to see how much things have changed since me going to Edgemere. I fear for my kids, but I know if I can just lead them to always follow Jesus that they may not be as vulnerable to our world. Brooke came home with like four letters from a silly boy who seems to "like" her. I am really going to have to pray for wisdom in leading her AWAY from boys! Especially right now. We will for sure have strict rules about this part in life. I want Brooke to succeed in life, and boys can surely wait. I want her to be a sacred vessel, pure and enriched with wisdom..same for my boys. Our week last week went great, and I am so grateful for that. Now onto this week, I am worried about Tyler so much. :( My poor baby boy is struggling with writing his name. Jason mentioned something to me this evening about him being "dyslexic" and I really pray that he isn't. If he so happens to be, then  I pray to help him with this. I just want him to have a good educational experience, because I didn't have that. It made enjoying learning very difficult for me. I struggled with focusing, and I just wish my parents would have intervened me better. So that is what I'm watching out for with my kids..is to help them in any part of learning they are struggling with. I love my babies, and I know they're all so bright and I just want to help them shine! They are so precious to me, along with everyone else in my heart. It seems since Jason's being hurt, my days are so busy! I took my grandma to the doctor today, came home and just tried to rest..but rest wasn't in the cards for me. There is just always something for me to do! But it's ok, I know eventually things will slow down for us. I just have to remain patient. We have a family tree project due this Friday for Tyler..so I hope I can brainstorm some good ideas for this. I'm working on deciding to get Brooke and Tyler Bulldog shirts for the football games...and I ton of other things that I have so badly put off. :( Sheesh..there just ins't enough time. Speaking of, my eyes are getting heavy and my mind is getting sleepy..so I better slow it down for the night! Till tomorrow - xoxo Kayla!! <3

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