Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween is creepin' up on us!!

"Tyler, smile pretty!!"
Yesterday we started our hopeful new tradition of carving pumpkins. Brooke is really into doing stuff like this, getting together as a family and doing activities. I didn't really have experiences like this growing up, which is even more reason why I want do things like this with the kids. I was definitely worried about the mess it could maybe make and the kids being disappointed with their jack-o-lanterns, but with the help of uncle Trenton and myself the whole night was a success!! Tyler loved his bat (go figure haha), Brooke loved her cat and I took bragging rights of my headless horseman! The clean-up was simple and I had tons of help from Jenn and Trent! I'm learning to just ease up on my "controlling" factor and to just enjoy the times like these with the
"Smile for the camera Brooke"
kids, because it is so worth it in the end. I think I seem to think to much about messes, etc. I hope I continue to just ease up some more. It's worth the change and it's worth saving the stress for everyone and myself. I can't express how much of a good time yesterday was. 
 Next project is Christmas cards. :)) I love these pictures so much of the kids having a great time. Even though Tyler wouldn't take the seeds out of the pumpkin, he wouldn't even put his hands in the pumpkin! Silly kids.
Uncle Trenton taped on his outline

Brooke having a good ole' time sticking her hands in the pumpkin

Trenton did awesome helping with the kids and their pumpkins

Little bit was obviously fascinated with everything

I liked this one of Taylor watching along

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