Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Simply Amazing :)

Today was my parent-teacher conference with Ms.Stevens, and it went so good. She went over her grading curriculum and just kind of gave Jason and I a blue print on how and why she will grade their school work from now on. His coloring is improving beyond my words can express, his counting and pronunciation are improving as well. Over all, Tyler is progressing wonderfully in kindergarten and I am just so happy to hear this! Ms.Stevens didn't have any complaints or major concerns for Tyler and that alone has put my heart at ease. My little man is growing up! I just think he's so wonderful. I thank God for these kids everyday! They definitely bring light to my world, although most days bring struggle to bring peace between these kids, and I may yell at them many times a day, and I am constantly correcting them..you know, I wouldn't change any of it for the world. This is my life, and this is what Heavenly Father had planned for me, and I am glad I know my purpose in this life. Now, I am just taking it in stride! Taylor is doing awesome too, I ask him to say his name and he says "Tator!" It's the cutest thing ever, his talking is getting better by the day! Now it's my goal to teach him to have a clean mouth! Our family (The Parks) seem to have a weird sense of humor, and I think I need to clean it up a little. :/ We seem to say out of the norm kind of things, and I know it's not appropriate so I plan on talking about it with Jason tonight when he gets home from work. I think more of it's directed towards Tyler, but Brooke can jump in on it from time to time. But we do need to just change it up, we seem to get caught up in having a good time with the kids, forgetting our responsibility in teaching them right and wrong. Oh the duties/responsibilities of parents. :)) Brooke is doing great too, we had a little meltdown at dinner tonight. I cooked spaghetti and she just had a fit about it. She asked me to fix her tuna, but I told her no. I just am getting fed up with always having to make different things for her if she doesn't like what I fix. So it's a battle I'm going to have to fight against her. I messed up though because I told her I wasn't going to fix her anything else since she didn't eat her dinner, and the only thing I would allow her to have was water. Well then Brittani called and invited us over for cookies, so we went and Brooke ate some!! Gggrrr to forgetting that I told her I wasn't going to allow her to having anything else!! Today was such a great day, the weather was great, Jason is working 3-11 which allows me to have the mornings with him (more like I get sleep later than normal) we went to Tyler's parent/teacher conference, went to wal-mart after with Taylor and came home to fix spam sandwiches and just relaxed the rest of the day! It was nice to have this semi-cold weather and to just snuggle with the kids. At this moment, I am so happy with my life. My husband, my family, my church, every blessing that I'm feeling from Jesus by trying my best to choose the right, to live the gospel, obeying the word of wisdom, reacting and not acting with people. It's so wonderful, the blessings within are wonderful. I'm so thankful for this gospel, for the restoration of Jesus's church, for our prophet, for the women of Relief Society, my sisters. I'm in love with life. <3 -Kayla

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