Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

our October evening....

This is the best picture I could of the kids together. Tyler looks awesome!! hahaha

Monkey Man
 Yes, my little family is wild! Jason was sweeping the driveway this afternoon and the boys rode around on their bikes while he did swept. Brooke and I saw them outside having a blast, so we joined in on the fun. Taylor is getting better at pedaling on his bike, I got a cute video of him doing so. Brooke and Tyler of course fought of the 3 wheel bike, we need to buy them both new bikes asap!! Maybe Santa will be generous this year, MAYBE. :)) Jason decided to climb trees, and his hair is beautiful as well as himself. <3 I love this man.
He is my everything.

We had Burger King and Taco Bell to finish off this wonderful, breezy afternoon of spending time together. I'm loving this whole laid back lifestyle so much.
The Boys!! I love them much!!
 Brooke helping daddy.

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