Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prolonging Rash

So I noticed on a Friday (9/23) morning after bathing Taylor that he had a rash on his right wrist! It freaked me out! I had put on some hydrocortisone cream on it and hoped it would get better. I did call Dr.Turner's office and David told me that Doc was out of the office due to surgery! :( He told me to put Corona cream on it and if it didn't get better to take him to Dr.King at WTFM. So the next day it wasn't any better! I then took him to Dr.King on Tuesday and he told me it looked like a allergic contact reaction and prescribed me some cream. That night I had put the cream on Taylor's arm before he went to sleep and sure enough the next morning I wake up and his rash is raised and bright red! :'( I was so stressed thinking the worst and googling the worst. Luckily I had an appointment with Dr.Watkins for a follow-up that Thursday, so I asked him to look at the rash and to tell me if this was normal and if there is anything else that may need to be done (by this time the rash was slowly going up his arm and appearing on the left arm). Dr.Watkins pretty much told me that what I was doing already for Taylor was about all he would do as well, and to bring him in Monday morning if the cream didn't clear it up. I stressed and stressed about this rash EVERY day! I'm so grateful for Emilie to of put my mind at ease, to tell me to just to let it go. She told me that he has whatever he has, and as long as I'm doing what the doctors told me to do..then to not worry about it. It's been very hard to accept that I do worry more than I should and that I am not in control of my kids health to certain extents. I am however getting better, and I know I need to quit worrying as much as I do. Long story short, Doc came back this past Monday and I took Taylor in Tuesday. Diagnosis: Hand-foot-mouth syndrome. He has the rash a little on the top of his feet and on the palm of his hands. Luckily he doesn't have any sores in his mouth and hasn't run fever. This rash will take time to completely heal, but doc said it's harmless and that the incubation period is short and if anyone else is going to get it, they would have already showed signs. So I'm praying for everyone else to remain in good health. I pray even harder for the strength to take on whatever else may come my way. Tyler and Taylor are coughing, and it sounds like those coughs that worsen with time. The weather is changing crazily. It's hot one day and cold the next, which is perfect weather to make kids sick. I trust God though and I know he'll protect and provide for my family. We're blessed to have the insurance we have, the doctors who helps us and the family and friends to be supportive. Taylor's rash is still on his arm and breaking out on his leg some, but I take it that it's just part of it, because he sure isn't acting like it's bothering him. He is ALL OVER the place! I'll get it one day!! :)-xoxoxo

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