Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Follow-up on Tyler's birthday

 Well for his birthday I kind of thought we would start the day off by  giving him his "big" birthday present from mommy and daddy which was his batman costume! He loved it, but still doesn't wear it much because he just doesn't like the attention that comes with wearing it. After the big birthday present we went to buy Tyler and the rest of the kids breakfast burritos from Nena's (which from now will be a special treat for our kids because they're expensive for a big eating family), after eating breakfast we came home and just messed around pretty much all afternoon. Kyra is here every day throughout the week while Kendra is working, and I really think that Brooke and Tyler feed off of the fact that Kyra is here so all 4 of the kids are WILD. There are tons of breaking-up and getting onto here at the house,so we did tons of that yesterday! We got ready and went to eat dinner at Chili's with grandma Josie and Tia Jennifer as our guests (Brittani, Lupe and Zoe weren't able to make it) following dinner we went to Jennifer's apartment where Brittani met up with us and sang Happy Birthday and opened his gifts.Tyler had a really fun and humbling birthday. I'm not working (which I am so blessed to be at home with the kids) so I sometimes make myself feel guilty for not being able to have all the money to buy him all that he would like. But this is when I remind myself that by thinking this way I am not teaching myself or Tyler at that about what really matters in life, which is FAMILY! We celebrated his 5th birthday as a family, with everyone who has been there for him and our family as a whole since his birthday. That you cannot put a dollar sign on. :) It made me so happy to see his face while we sang Happy Birthday to him! He loved it, so I know he loved his birthday! I'm so glad I have decided to blog, it helps me document these memories and that is such a good thing because I forget thing so easily..my memory is not always good. To sum things up, yesterday was good. I still can't believe how fast time is going! I really need to start making the best out of it with my family. I'm going to take my grandma some birthday cake this afternoon when I'm done getting ready. Enjoy the pictures of our Hero Batman a.k.a TYLER. Mommy loves you baby!

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