Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 1, 2011

the smallest things can mean the biggest things

Tonight while I was changing into my pajamas, Tyler was laying in my bed and had told me something. Well because the fans were going I couldn't really hear him, so I was like "what Tyler?" and he loudly said in such a sweet, innocent voice "mommy, I love you." This just melted my heart because I sometimes think Tyler is closer to his daddy (which I totally don't mind) than he is to me. He can be challenging sometime, like all regular kids can be, but he is easier to "instruct" and he doesn't talk back..which his big sister does quite often and I hope he doesn't follow that example. So when he tells me things like this it helps me know that I love him too! It's just hard to do everything I want to do in one day. I pray tonight that Heavenly Father give me the strength and energy to love my kids, to talk with them more and pay less attention to facebook, YES I said it. I do admit I spend too much time on it and it's another goal I'm going to make for myself. I also pray for him to bless me with peace and good health, to show love and patience with my husband, to stay focused on Gods plan and not mine. To be the saint I am supposed to be. I don't ask for a perfect life because I know only God and Jesus are perfect and we're to live by their example. You know as I pray at night or during the day I always feel the spirit, whether it's a song on the radio or one of the kids telling me they love me, or just a random phone call from someone I least expect it from, I know God hears me and he hears my heart. I just hope I continue doing and listening as the spirit guides me. Well I'm getting sleepy now so I better rest my eyes and stay OFF facebook!! :) :/

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