Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jason is healing!

Well, I just got some news from the nurse here at UMC who was helping him shower, his burns are very superficial which means that he most likely won't have to be scrubbed down in the tank anymore. I pray that these ointments and wraps heal his burns and allow comfort to him. I can't express how grateful I am that this is the news that has been given to us, that he is healing and his burns are looking good. Now I just have to get him moving to allow even blood flow through his arms so blood clots are prevented. I really need to set aside a time that I just pray for a period of time, but I know Heavenly father is hearing me and he is directing me where to go. I have faith, and I'm facing the future with faith.

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