Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Brooke

Oh Miss.Brooke- She was my first baby and through her I have learned most of the do's and don'ts of being a mommy. We're having some challenges as she gets bigger and smarter (in more good ways than bad) and tries to be a little more nosy (eavesdropping) and chatty (talking back). It isn't always easy for us to find productive ways in disciplining her so I'm praying for patience in myself. Brooke did all the baby milestones so early in her life, she started walking when she was 9 months!! 9 months!! She was talking so good when she was just a year old to now being a straight A student through her whole first grade year. We are SO proud of her and her accomplishments and I can't wait to see what she will bring to the table as a 2nd grader. I don't always know if how I'm raising her the right way, or if I'm setting the right example for her, but I do know that if I can just remain faithful to God and enduring the things he gives me, she will be ok and I will be the mom I'm supposed to be to her. In times that I feel  discouraged or overwhelmed with not just Brooke but the boys as well, I remind myself that I am a stay-at-home mom and this is what I do, I counsel, feed and nurture these kids. It's such a blessing that I try to remind myself not to take advantage of it. I love my kids so much and I hope I can make them proud and raise good people!!!

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