Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grandma Josie

So this is something that has been weighing heavy on my heart. I sometimes do the very wrong thing of judging other people's intentions and feelings, I know this is wrong because I know as followers of Christ we are to live by his example and of course he loved all his people. I feel so awful because I know I don't thank God enough for the blessing of having such a strong-willed, loving mom. My mom has done so much for me that I hope my gratitude towards her doesn't go un-noticed. She has provided for me and my family and sacrificed for herself to make things easier for us. She isn't working right now, and I hope she is enjoying her time off.  Yesterday being Tyler's birthday I knew in my mind that my mom wanted to get him everything he wanted (which was solely a batman house that Brooke had showed him online) but couldn't at that time due to funds, which I totally don't mind because I don't believe that my kids deserve and need everything. Well she called me earlier this evening and asked me if she could pick up Tyler because she wanted to take him to wal-mart for his birthday, she came by and picked up both of the boys as a matter at fact, which I am so thankful for because Taylor was being a real big stinker. Well about an hour later Tyler comes rushing home with his batman house in tow!! My mom made his birthday dream come true! He got his batman house! Is she not the best mom in the world? That is one of the MANY examples of how she has brightened our days! I love my mom so much and pray for her findings in life because she is an amazing woman who deserves an amazing life and relationship with God. Words cannot express how much I love my mom, as I have become a mom myself I have found that my mom and I don't spend as much time on the phone with each other or we don't go out to lunch or dinner like we may should...but life is about setting goals and striving for them. I know she loves me deeply and she knows I love her just as much. She is the sun in my world, she brings peace to me every time she is around me, when life is crashing down on me a phone call to her always lifts me up. She is patient with me and was as I was a young child. I hope I can beat those qualities about her with my own children. I just needed to get this down while it's still new in my mind. I love you mom!!!

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