Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 26, 2011

Kindergarten!!! Tyler's 1st week

I'm going to go ahead and break up Brooke and Tyler's first week school pictures into two posts. Tyler is doing so good this first week, however he did throw a weird fit this morning when I dropped him off at school. Today is "Show and Tell" and their color of this week is red. Apparently Jason had asked Tyler to pick something red from his toys, and something small enough to fit in the plastic bag his teacher sent home. Well I guess at the last minute Tyler decided he didn't like what he had chosen to take because before he got out of the explorer he opened his back pack and took out his little car and threw it in the back!! I have NO clue why he did this, and he didn't give me time to ask. I plan on going to talk to his teacher after school to explain to her why he didn't have anything for "show and tell." Jason did say he that Tyler picked what HE wanted, so he didn't understand why Tyler did that either. Oh these kids of mine. Here are Tyler's 1st Week pictures starting Monday through Friday.

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