Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 29, 2011

Just a MoNdAy!!

It always seems like I have TONS to worry about! Brooke had multiple nose bleeds yesterday, and this weekend in whole, and I have no idea what's triggering them. I know it's dry outside, etc..but shoot what mom would be ok with their 7 year old's nose bleeding alot during the day. I'm going to go to walmart when I pick up the kids from school and check out some humidifiers. Jason is healing good, we're no longer going to be wrapping his whole body anymore, just his left shoulder that is still "open." I am so grateful for this. It's been exhausting. I'm guessing this week from here on out should be good for our family. :) Our Lord is so good to us. I'm ready to check back in to normal life. I miss our church, I miss our routines and I'm ready for some NORMAL. I don't know how many times I can just mention -normal-. Well this is all I can do right now, my wrists are aching and I'm just going to try and rest/nap before getting Brooke and Tyler...and especially since Taylor IS napping. <3

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