Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

swollen lymph nodes

I ended up taking Brooke to Dr.Turner after debating if I should take her in or not. I had given her some Motrin as soon as she started complaining her "neck/ear" was hurting, so I think that eased the pain a whole lot because she was running around with Tyler, Kyra and Taylor most of the morning. Well about 3'o clock she comes back to me and tells me her neck is hurting again and that she had noticed a "lump". I then take a look at this "lump" and sure enough underneath her right ear it's completely swollen!! It freaked me out quick. Luckily I was able to take her in as a walk-in at 3:45. As soon as Doc came in and began taking a look at her ear, he told me to come and take a look myself and her eardrum looked like a baby red tomato! :( My poor baby girl has a BAD ear infection which caused her lymph nodes to swell. GOOD NEWS: It's an ear infection and and antibiotic will help this heal..BAD NEWS: She is in pain and discomfort. Doc also gave her some prescribed ear drops for pain, so I know she will be ok and this will pass. I'm so glad it wasn't anything serious (even though I know an ear infection is no joke) and my baby girls is going to be ok. She cried while we waited in Doc's waiting room for a good while, I was hoping it would tire her out so she could rest...but it didn't. haha. We got her prescriptions at wal-mart so we're good to go. I also accomplished registering her for 2nd grade, so I officially have a Kindergartner and 2nd grader!! Time is going back so quick, I wish it would just SLOW down for a while..but I know it won't. Also, Jennifer came by tonight to pick up Brooke so she could sleep over at her apartment, at Brooke's request, and Taylor kept saying "Go, Go" so Jennifer attempted taking him back with her, but of course it didn't even last 10 minutes until I was on my way to go and pick him up. At least we know he isn't ready to be staying away from home. We had a tiny bit of rain that I am so thankful for, the grey clouds and nice breeze were such a blessing to enjoy. Overall I had a blessed day, very chaotic at the end but totally enough for me to handle. We're headed to Lubbock in the morning to hopefully get Brooke's allergy shots going with Dr.Mamlock and to also do some more shopping for Tyler. Jenn is taking Brooke Saturday to finish up her school shopping and I have a baby shower to help with..so this is what my weekend is looking like. I'll follow up soon.

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